Monday, September 7, 2009

7th of September

Check Spelling

Happy Birthday Brazil! It is Seite de Septembro, Brazil's Independence Day. A year ago, me and Lynn started talking. I remember because Wagner came down and I was super excited to see him for the big Independence day party at Copa. I can not believe it's been a year! We say our official anniversary is October 1st because that's is when we made it official. I am excited to see what is in store for our first anniversary together. Lynn is planning it, and I am super curious to what it's going be.

My good friend Danny sent me this video. He said the video reminded him of me. It is true. I love Lambada. It was the first dance I learned as a child. Lambada let me be passionate about dancing. Being swept off my feet literally as I learned to follow, to listen and to let go. I hope to teach Lynn this dance; I know he will be good at it. Maybe he'll take me to dance lambada. ;)

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