Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quirky Oracle

So I was working today and I ran into a quirk in Oracle. My error went along the lines that my right parenthesis was missing. When 2 or more queries Union, Oracle doesn't like the order by inside the query. Therefore I had to do it outside of the query. Crazy right! That was so random! Things like this happen in real life some times.

Earlier in the day I feel I made a mends to a problem with a co-worker that was not created by me but just investigating it a bit I was able to get a resolution. Not everything is obvious at first but sometimes resolutions can be achieved with some effort. It's a good lesson because giving up and just accepting the situation doesn't teach anyone anything.


As I listen to my playlist on and I'm about to start my day, I list out my things to do and what I need at the grocery store. Then for a split second I think when did I stop with my constant lists of goals and to-dos. When I was younger I wrote everywhere goals and to do list. Honestly I never used these lists, the lists were always on the back of my mind so I never needed to. Elementry school to freshman year in college list writing was a big part of my life organization to visually see what is on my plate today and my future tomorrow.

List writing is useful and I guess it was like my way of letting go as people do in blogs and in diaries. Try it one of these days; its quite motivating after a month of doing it. Write them every where and everyday. I say I'd be happy doing it 3 times a day or more. It naturally becomes second nature and I start getting things done because it is always on my mind.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Humunga Stache Dog Toy

I saw this and thought it was so inventive! I could totally even do this for little babies or kids.

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Friday, March 5, 2010

I can, I will do this today

I was thinking... Why do I fill so bogged down and way more stressed. It's the clutter in my life. Yes I have tons to get rid of at my place. With all the moving I've done, there is tons to donate, sell and trash.

I am finally also at a point in my life that I also need to do some finacial cleaning up. My plan is to take down all my debt and anaylsis what is the crap and see what do I really spend on. Then create a new plan attack on my debt so I can learn where I can make the most of my money by paying off the right bills.

I also need to do so scheduling. I make the most of my time and plan to get heathly by scheduling time for myself working out on a daily basis. I will make myself get back in shape by looking the mirror everyday and repeating to myself, "I can, I will do this today"