Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tons to do, Not Much To Worry About

So remember how I have this want to change. The change is happening. It seems like a slow change but in reality I am making a worlds of mini changes. Hopefully I can can get to a point that I can start crossing off things on my long list of to do... discard papers(I've thrown away 2 boxes), organize finances( I started by writing things down), organize my storage closet(I started putting things where the belong), organize and donate clothing(I started giving the most random stuff but at least I'm doing it), finish the front yard(I trimmed the hedges and the lawn is regularly mowed), fix up the garden, and get fit( I am down 6 pounds). That alone is my personal to dos still.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The most under utilized people in the school system

Real school cooks who really cook and school counselors that are involved with all students at the school are non existent these days.

Most kids would not be obese if cooks cooked healthy meals at school. We should not cook what kids think they want. French fries are not a vegetable. Food is powerful because a well balanced meal prevents depression.

If we had school counselors be their school counselor and visit all kids at least once year every year by the same counselor. Many things would change and be prevented by a simple change in how their role is from today. We as a nation need to think more proactive about students. They act out because they need attention but before it gets really bad, instead of having smaller classes costing tons of tax payer money maybe having people that don't just deal with standardize tests become the most powerful currently under utilized in school influence in the students lives.